
How to Make Mesquite Smoked Coffee at Home

Have you ever wanted to make your own mesquite smoked coffee at home? It's a fun and rewarding process that can give you a deliciously unique brew. Mesquite smoked coffee has a distinct flavor that combines the rich taste of coffee with the sweet, smoky aroma of mesquite wood. If you love coffee and want to try something new, making mesquite smoked coffee is a great choice.

It all starts with gathering the right supplies. You need high-quality coffee beans, mesquite wood chips, and some basic smoking equipment. Preparing the coffee beans properly is essential for achieving the best flavor. Once you have everything ready, you'll go through the smoking process step-by-step, ensuring each bean absorbs that wonderful mesquite smoke.

After smoking the beans, the final step is brewing your coffee to perfection. Whether you use a French press, a drip coffee maker, or an espresso machine, the result will be a flavorful cup that stands out from the ordinary. Making mesquite smoked coffee at home allows you to experiment and enjoy a brew that's truly your own creation. Ready to get started? Let’s dive into the steps for making this special coffee.

Gather Your Supplies

Before you start making mesquite smoked coffee, you need to gather a few key supplies. Here's what you'll need:

  • Coffee Beans: Choose high-quality coffee beans. The better the beans, the better the final product.
  • Mesquite Wood Chips: Mesquite wood chips are essential for the smoking process. They give the coffee its unique smoky flavor.
  • Smoker or Grill: If you have a smoker, that's ideal. If not, a regular grill with a smoking box can work, too.
  • Baking Sheet and Cooling Rack: You’ll need this to hold the coffee beans while they smoke.
  • Thermometer: To control the temperature during the smoking process.
  • Aluminum Foil: This can help control the smoke flow and keep the wood chips burning longer.

Once you have all your supplies ready, you are set to move on to the next step. Having everything organized will make the whole process smoother and more enjoyable.

Preparing the Coffee Beans for Smoking

Preparing the coffee beans properly is vital for achieving the best flavor. Follow these steps to get your beans ready:

  • Measure Your Beans: Decide how much coffee you want to smoke. A good starting amount is about 1-2 cups of coffee beans.
  • Spread the Beans: Place the coffee beans evenly on a baking sheet lined with a cooling rack. Spreading them out ensures they get even exposure to the smoke.
  • Preheat and Soak Wood Chips: While you prep the beans, soak the mesquite wood chips in water for about 30 minutes. This helps them smoke more and burn slower.
  • Dry the Beans: Make sure the coffee beans are dry before placing them in the smoker. Any moisture can affect the smoking process.
  • Set Up Your Smoker or Grill: Preheat your smoker or grill to a low temperature, around 200°F. Place the soaked mesquite wood chips in the smoking box or wrap them in aluminum foil with small holes for the smoke to escape.

Preparing the beans correctly is crucial for a successful smoking process. Once the beans are ready, you can proceed to the fun part—smoking them to perfection.

The Smoking Process Step-by-Step

Now that your coffee beans are ready, it’s time to start the smoking process. Here’s how to do it step-by-step:

  • Place the Beans in the Smoker: Set the baking sheet with the beans on the rack inside the smoker or grill. Ensure that the beans are in a single layer.
  • Add the Wood Chips: Add the soaked mesquite wood chips to the smoker or grill. If you're using a foil packet, place it next to the heat source. Close the lid to keep the smoke in.
  • Monitor the Temperature: Keep the temperature stable at around 200°F. Use a thermometer to check the temperature regularly.
  • Smoke the Beans: Let the beans smoke for about 2 to 3 hours. Stir the beans every 30 minutes to make sure the smoke reaches all of them evenly.
  • Check for Desired Flavor: After about 2 hours, start tasting a bean every 30 minutes. Look for a balance of smoky and coffee flavors.
  • Cool the Beans: Once the beans are smoked to your liking, remove them from the smoker and let them cool on the baking sheet.
  • Store the Beans: After cooling, place the smoked beans in an airtight container. They can be stored for several weeks, maintaining their smoky flavor.

Following these steps will help you achieve perfectly smoked coffee beans with that distinct mesquite flavor. Now, let’s move on to brewing that perfect cup.

Brewing Your Mesquite Smoked Coffee

Brewing your mesquite smoked coffee correctly will make sure you get the full flavor. Here’s how to do it:

  • Grind the Beans: Use a coffee grinder to grind the beans to your preferred grind size, depending on your brewing method. For a drip coffee maker, a medium grind works well. For a French press, use a coarser grind.
  • Measure the Coffee: Measure out the coffee and water. A good starting point is 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground coffee per 6 ounces of water. Adjust based on your taste preference.
  • Heat the Water: Heat fresh, clean water to between 195°F and 205°F. This is the ideal temperature range for brewing coffee.
  • Brew the Coffee:
- For French Press: Add the ground coffee to the French press, pour in the hot water, and let it steep for about 4 minutes. Press the plunger down slowly.
- For Drip Coffee Maker: Add the coffee grounds to the filter basket, pour the water into the reservoir, and start the machine.
  • Serve and Enjoy: Pour your brewed coffee into a mug and enjoy the unique smoky and sweet flavors of your mesquite smoked coffee.

Brewing it right ensures you get the best flavors out of your smoked beans, making all your effort worthwhile.


Making mesquite smoked coffee at home is a rewarding experience that results in a unique and flavorful brew. From gathering your supplies to preparing the beans and going through the smoking process, each step adds to the rich taste and aroma that sets this coffee apart. Finally, brewing your smoked beans to perfection ensures that every cup you drink is as delicious as possible.

If you're excited to try this at home and experience a truly special coffee, visit 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee to learn more about our mesquite smoked coffee products. Enjoy the unique flavors and see why mesquite smoked coffee is a favorite among coffee lovers.