
Whiskey Crafting Excellence: The Secrets of 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee

The rich taste and smooth finish of a finely-crafted whiskey captivate the senses, offering a moment of indulgence and relaxation. From the first aroma to the lingering aftertaste, there is no denying the allure of a high-quality, well-crafted spirit. At 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee, this enchantment is not only captured through their double gold award-winning spirits but is also intertwined with their mission to raise awareness and support the mental health of veterans and first responders. The company seamlessly fuses expert distilling techniques with a dedication to their cause, crafting spirits that leave a lasting impact – both in flavor and purpose.
In this blog post, we will embark on a fascinating journey into the world of whiskey distilling at 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee. By uncovering the science and artistry behind their exceptional spirits, we will delve deep into the heart of a process that marries skill with passion and dedication. Additionally, we will explore how each step of the distilling process is thoughtfully crafted to reflect and bolster the company's mission to support the well-being of veterans and first responders.
From the selection of high-quality grains to the time-honored aging process, every aspect of 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee's whiskey production reflects their commitment to excellence and their enduring devotion to the communities they serve. As you sip on their exquisitely distilled spirits, remember that each drop tells a story – one of skill, passion, and an unwavering commitment to effecting positive change in the lives of those who have selflessly served our nation.

Selecting the Perfect Ingredients: The Foundation of Exceptional Whiskey

The journey to crafting outstanding whiskey begins with the careful selection of top-quality ingredients. At 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee, they ensure that each grain and flavoring component is meticulously chosen to yield a final product that reflects their commitment to excellence.
1. The Grains: Whiskey production relies on an exquisite blend of grains, including barley, corn, and rye. The company sources only the highest quality grains, chosen for their freshness, taste, and consistency.
2. Water Source: Pure water is essential to the distilling process, influencing the spirit's overall flavor profile. 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee meticulously selects water sources that are free of impurities and best complement their whiskey blends.

The Mashing and Fermentation Process: Transforming Grains into Precious Liquid Gold

Once the ingredients are in place, the magic begins to unfold during mashing and fermentation – stages that convert grains into sugars, and sugars into alcohol.
1. Mashing: The carefully-selected grains are first ground and mixed with hot water, creating a mixture called the mash. This process activates the enzymes within the grains, converting starch molecules into fermentable sugars.
2. Fermentation: The resulting sugar-rich mixture is combined with yeast and left to ferment, transforming the sugars into alcohol. 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee uses high-quality yeast strains, chosen for their unique characteristics and ability to influence their whiskey's flavor profile.

The Distillation Process: Refining the Spirit to Perfection

Distillation is where the true essence of whiskey comes to life, as the alcohol-rich liquid is separated from its impurities, concentrating flavors and creating the distinct personality of the spirit.
1. The Copper Still: At the core of the distillation process lies the copper still, which not only imparts unique characteristics to the whiskey but also removes unwanted impurities. 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee uses traditional copper stills, designed to enhance the whiskey's flavor and ensure the highest level of purity.
2. Double Distillation: To further refine their product, the company practices double distillation. This involves distilling the whiskey twice, resulting in a smoother, more flavorful spirit with a higher alcohol content.

The Subtle Art of Aging: A Testament to Patience and Expertise

The final stage of whiskey production involves aging the spirit in carefully-selected barrels, nurturing the distinctive flavors and color that define each whiskey's unique character.
1. Barrel Selection: The choice of barrel plays a crucial role in the aging process, as its wood type, size, and previous use contribute significantly to the spirit's eventual flavor profile. 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee takes great care in selecting their barrels, ensuring that each vessel complements and enhances their whiskey's characteristics.
2. Time and Patience: As the whiskey matures within its barrel, it extracts flavors from the wood, while the dynamic interaction between spirit, wood, and environment imparts unique characteristics over time. The company meticulously monitors the aging process, bottling the whiskey when it has reached peak maturity, complexity, and flavor.
Utilizing expert distilling techniques in alignment with their mission, every stage of 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee's whiskey production process serves to support their commitment to veterans and first responders. The company works diligently to raise awareness and create positive change within their target communities, harnessing the power and passion of the community through whiskey production.


Through the artful mastery of whiskey distilling, 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee brings forth award-winning spirits that encapsulate skill, passion, and a commitment to supporting veterans and first responders. By embarking on an insightful journey into the world of whiskey making at their facilities, we uncover the intricate fusion of artistry and science that results in exceptional spirits.
From the careful selection of quality grains and water sources, to the precision of mashing, fermentation, distillation, and aging, the dedication and expertise of 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee shines through in their products. These spirits not only tantalize the taste buds but also tell the story of the company's unwavering devotion to improving the lives of the communities they serve.
As you pour yourself a glass of 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee's smooth and flavorful whiskey, remember and appreciate the skill, knowledge, and genuine intention that guided the spirit's creation. Raising your glass takes on new meaning as you toast to the company's dedication to crafting remarkable spirits while tirelessly supporting veterans and first responders – a truly inspiring combination. Check out our beverages today!